National Repository of Grey Literature 2 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Use of genotoxicity tests to characterization of some natural substances and particles
Tilšarová, Kamila ; Bokrová, Jitka (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
In production of drugs, cosmetics, in food industry and other biotechnologies, testing of genotoxicity (that are changes in genetic information which are not inhereted) is one of the common steps in the process before distribution to the market. This bachelor´s thesis is focused on the characterization of extracts from chosen natural substances with respect to the content of polyfenols, flavonoides and antioxidant activity. These extracts were encapsulated into liposomes and chitosan particles. The aim was testing possible genotoxicity of whole extracts and particles on possible genotoxicity on the basis of SOS Chromotest performed on bacteria E. coli. This genotoxic assay did not show genotoxic effect of neither pure extracts nor tested liposomes.
Use of genotoxicity tests to characterization of some natural substances and particles
Tilšarová, Kamila ; Bokrová, Jitka (referee) ; Márová, Ivana (advisor)
In production of drugs, cosmetics, in food industry and other biotechnologies, testing of genotoxicity (that are changes in genetic information which are not inhereted) is one of the common steps in the process before distribution to the market. This bachelor´s thesis is focused on the characterization of extracts from chosen natural substances with respect to the content of polyfenols, flavonoides and antioxidant activity. These extracts were encapsulated into liposomes and chitosan particles. The aim was testing possible genotoxicity of whole extracts and particles on possible genotoxicity on the basis of SOS Chromotest performed on bacteria E. coli. This genotoxic assay did not show genotoxic effect of neither pure extracts nor tested liposomes.

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